Pest Control Services

Get rid of pests today!

Pinnacle Hygiene offers professional pest control services in Gauteng

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Pest Control Specialists

Pinnacle Pest Control Services offers a professional and personalised pest control service to commercial clients. All services are fully guaranteed and include the treatment and control of rodents, cockroaches, ants, termites, flies, weeds and soil poisoning. We also offer a variety of garden treatments and all our programs are HACCP compliant.

Wasp Nest Removal
Ant Control
Rodent Control
Cockroach Pest Control
Bed Bugs Removal
Bee Removal
Termite Treatment

Pest Management:

Intergrated Pest Control Management (IPM)

Pinnacle Hygienne is fully equipped to help you get rid of common pests in your business premises. Let’s start a regular pest management program for your business. We value long-term relationships with our clients!

Why IPM?

Integrated pest management (IPM), also known as integrated pest control (IPC),  involves pest control techniques and measures that prevent the development of pests while protecting humans and the environment.

  • Pest Control Prevention – Prevention is the primary principle of any pest control program.
  • Pest Control Monitoring – This involves regular site inspections to analyse the infestation stages of pests at each site.
  • Tactics Criteria – Under IPM, chemicals are the last resort. Pest specialists use the least harmful substances to reduce risk to humans and other creatures without pests.
  • Record-keeping – This is essential to identify trends and patterns in pest control.
  • Action Levels – An action level is the pest population that requires remedial action for human health or economic reasons.
  • Pest Control Evaluation – A regular evaluation program is essential to determine the success of the pest control programs.

At Pinnacle Pest Control we pride ourselves to be one of the top Pest Control Companies in Gauteng.

ant pest control
Get rid of rats
bed bug removal
Cockroach killers



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